Urbanerds March - special edition!

19 Mar 2024, 5:30pm–8:30pm NZDT

Bedlam & Squalor, l1/18 Garrett Street, Te Aro, Wellington, New Zealand Map

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Tuesday 19th March, Wellington Urbanerds invite you to a special-edition meetup! 

We’ll be feasting on insights about how walking, wheeling, and cycling can make epic towns and cities. 

And in particular: how can Wellington tap into this goodness in the next few years? 

Special guests from the 2Walk&Cycle Conference will be tackling these and other gnarly questions. 

If you’re into cities - and especially if you weren’t at 2Walk&Cycle -  don’t miss this special Urbanerds!  

Beyond March:  
Urbanerds is what it says on the tin: people who are nerdy about urban stuff, coming together every month since 2019 for great conversation, company, inspiration, and changemaking. 
If you’re at all interested in what makes an epic town or city, you're an Urbanerd! 
If you're in Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland, Kirikiriroa Hamilton, or Te Whanganui-a-Tara Wellington, Urbanerds gatherings are happening in your ‘hood.
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Bookings for this event have now closed.

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